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Practicing Social Responsibility and Building the Future of Education Together--The Donation Ceremony of Runyang Environmental Fund of Tongji University was held

Tongji University Runyang Environmental Fund Donation Ceremony

On April 18, 2024, our company and the School of Environmental Science and Engineering of Tongji University held a solemn and warm donation ceremony, marking the official opening of the in-depth cooperation between the two sides in the field of education and public welfare and water treatment research. The company adheres to the corporate social responsibility concept of shared development, supports the development of China's higher education with practical actions, and makes a free donation to Tongji University, aiming to inject strong impetus into the construction of faculty, the cultivation of high-quality talents, and the promotion of scientific research and innovation.

The donation ceremony was held in the Mingjing Building of the School of Environmental Science and Engineering of Tongji University, attended by Xu Bin, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Lu Lijun, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the College, Tang Yulin, Professor of Municipal Engineering, Ge Rile, Secretary of the Youth League Committee of the College, Chen Pixian, Chairman of Qingdao Runyang, and Du Jianwei, Deputy General Manager.


At the beginning of the ceremony, Mr. Chen Pixian, chairman of Runyang, delivered a speech at the meeting. He expressed the company's respect for Tongji University's profound academic heritage, outstanding educational achievements, and the cultivation of many outstanding talents for the society. As a comprehensive environmental management service provider integrating R&D and design, engineering general contracting, production intelligent manufacturing, investment and operation, Qingdao Runyang has been deeply involved in the environmental protection industry for more than ten years, and has the responsibility and obligation to contribute to the development of higher education. He emphasized that Qingdao Runyang firmly believes that education is the key to social progress, and through donation, it will actively fulfill the mission of cultivating the next generation of talents. In line with the principle of educating people, the donation funds aim to help the college continue to make efforts in the construction of faculty, the cultivation of outstanding talents, and the development of academic exchanges, so as to practice the common social responsibility and educational philosophy with practical actions. At the same time, it also expressed his expectation for deepening school-enterprise cooperation in the future and conducting research in the field of reclaimed water treatment and resource utilization.陈斌讲话

Subsequently, Xu Bin, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Environmental Science and Engineering of Tongji University, delivered a speech. He expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Qingdao Runyang Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. for its generous donation and emphasized that this donation will play an important role in the educational cause of the college. Secretary Xu Bin pointed out that education is the cornerstone of social development, and such a donation will help improve educational resources and improve the quality of education, and said that he will ensure that the donation will be used most effectively to promote education development.


At the donation ceremony, the company and the university jointly signed the donation agreement and issued a donation certificate. This moment not only marks the deepening of the relationship between the two parties, but also heralds the beginning of a new chapter in education cooperation.


Finally, the representatives of the two sides made in-depth exchanges on the future of jointly cultivating talents, jointly building education, and deepening subject research. The donation ceremony ended successfully with a group photo.

May this donation be like a seed, bear fruitful fruits in the rich intellectual soil of Tongji University, and make positive contributions to the progress of China's higher education and the prosperity and development of society.